Nation Domestic Violence Hotline

Nation Domestic Violence Hotline - 1 (800) 799-7233


We envision a world where all relationships are positive, healthy, and free from violence.

Mission Statement

We answer the call to support and shift power back to those affected by relationship abuse.


  • Integrity: We conduct every aspect of our work to the highest ethical standards and hold ourselves accountable to them. We value transparency and staunchly safeguard the confidentiality of the people we serve.
  • Thought Leadership: We are committed to learning constantly, developing innovative practices, and evolving strategies as necessary to achieve our mission and vision.
  • Excellence: We value performance and results. We always aspire to do our best and to embrace the challenge of exceeding expectations.
  • Collaboration: We work as a team within the organization and with a wide range of partners outside of it in the belief that only through these partnerships will we achieve the broadest impact.
  • Social Justice: We value diverse perspectives and strive to incorporate an anti-oppression lens in all aspects of our work.
  • Caring: We conduct our work with compassion and in the spirit of inclusion, and we meet all individuals with respect and without judgment.
  • Survivor-Centered: Our work begins and ends with the interests of survivors of relationship abuse in mind.
